What 13 vitamins are in eggs?

Naturally low in fat, with only 310 kilojoules squeezed into a standard egg: a serving of eggs contains 13 different essential vitamins and nutrients, plus one of the best sources of choline available. It's hard to believe all these incredible health benefits.

What 13 vitamins are in eggs?

Naturally low in fat, with only 310 kilojoules squeezed into a standard egg: a serving of eggs contains 13 different essential vitamins and nutrients, plus one of the best sources of choline available. It's hard to believe all these incredible health benefits.

Here's the full breakdown of our favorite vitamin-packed superfood.

Vitamin D plays an important role in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, making it essential for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. More than the “solar vitamin”, it also helps to maintain normal muscle function and to strengthen the immune system.

Today, egg yolks are one of the few foods that naturally contain high amounts of vitamin D. A serving of two eggs represents 82% of the recommended daily intake. Vitamin B12 is essential for the formation of red blood cells and DNA, for repairing body tissue, and for maintaining the healthy functioning of the immune and nervous systems. Unfortunately, vitamin B12 deficiency is common, especially in the elderly, and sometimes causes fatigue, weakness, weight loss, decreased appetite, dizziness, constipation, and more. As the human body is unable to produce vitamin B12 on its own, it is necessary to be active in eating foods that are a rich source of this vitamin.

Choline is a little-known but important nutrient that plays a vital role in brain development and function, essential in both prenatal and adult human health. The body also uses choline to help the liver and nerves function. The human body can produce choline, but not in the sufficient quantities the body needs on a daily basis, which means that the rest of those needs can only be met by diet. Eggs, in particular, are an important source of choline. Two eggs can provide 77% of the recommended daily intake for women and 59% of the RDI for men.

Iron is an essential dietary mineral involved in several major functions, such as transporting oxygen throughout the body and providing energy for daily life. Despite its importance, an estimated one in eight Australians is iron deficient, which can result in limited oxygen supply to tissues and organs, fatigue, headaches, insomnia and loss of appetite. Since your body absorbs only a fraction of the iron from the food you eat, it's even more important to actively consume iron-rich foods. A large egg contains 0.9 mg of iron, which is predominantly found in the yolk.

An average serving of two eggs provides 14% of the RDI for iron. Lutein and zeaxanthin are vital antioxidants that protect cells. of the damage. In particular, they help eliminate free radicals and serve to protect against eye conditions.

As carotenoids, they are naturally present in foods, especially dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale, as well as in egg yolks. However, due to their high bioavailability and the fact that they are not subject to seasonal variations, the consumption of eggs is a favorable source of lutein and zeaxanthin in the diet. There is currently not enough research to indicate the exact level of recommended dietary intake of lutein and zeaxanthin, although some researchers have Recommended levels of up to 6 mg per day. A serving of two eggs contains about 530 µg of lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as being an effective vehicle for increasing the absorption of site-specific antioxidants.

Pantothenic acid, commonly known as vitamin B5, plays an important role in converting the food you eat into active energy and breaking down fats. It also contributes to the production of vitamin D and to the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. We want all Australians to know that eating eggs is a vital part of living a happy, healthy and balanced lifestyle, from providing vitamin D for the immune system, improving mental health to enjoying a post-workout meal that promotes muscle recovery. Choline is a little-known but important nutrient that plays a role in brain development and function.

The body also uses it to help the liver and nerves work. This makes choline essential in prenatal and adult human health. Australian and international studies are increasing our awareness and understanding of the essential nutrient choline, but many people still don't know what it is or why it's so important to our health. Other important nutrients found in an egg include vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B6, zinc, and calcium.

For more information on these nutrients, check out the Egg Nutrition Center's research library and tell us what nutrients you'd like to read about in future posts. A large egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, a lot compared to most other foods. Low choline intake has been linked to liver disease, heart disease, and neurological disorders (1). This nutrient may be especially important for pregnant women.

Studies show that a low intake of choline can increase the risk of neural tube defects and cause a decrease in the baby's cognitive function (1). Many people don't consume enough choline. For example, a study conducted on Canadian pregnant women found that only 23% consumed the right amount of choline (1). Egg yolks and beef liver are the best sources of choline in the diet.

A large egg contains 113 mg of choline. There are about 21 amino acids that the body uses to build its proteins. Eggs are among the best dietary sources of protein. In fact, biological value (a measure of protein quality) is often evaluated by comparing it to eggs, which are given the perfect score of 100 (1).

Lutein and zeaxanthin tend to accumulate in the retina, the sensory part of the eye, where they protect the eyes from harmful sunlight (1) These antioxidants significantly reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts, which are among the main causes of visual impairment and blindness in the elderly (18, 19), 20). It's easy to prepare a quick breakfast with healthy and nutritious food. These are the 12 healthiest foods to eat in the morning. Consuming enough vitamin A from the diet should prevent any symptoms of deficiency, such as hair loss, skin problems, dry eyes, and an increased risk of infections.

Vitamin E protects fatty acids, maintains muscles and red blood cells, and acts as an important antioxidant. Vitamin E has beneficial antioxidant properties that play a critical role in maintaining good overall health, including heart health, and studies link it to lower rates of heart disease. Vitamin A is vital for maintaining healthy skin, supporting immune function, maintaining good vision and promoting overall reproductive health. The yolk also contains a ton of important fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamins A, D and E, and the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin.

The other nine vitamins are water-soluble and therefore need to be replaced regularly because they are eliminated from the body through urine. Vitamin B7 (also known as biotin) is an essential vitamin that plays an important role in maintaining a healthy metabolism. Studies have also found significant links between vitamin E and immune function, helping to prevent certain types of cancer, reduce age-related eye disorders and delay associated cognitive decline. with aging.

Although rare when following a healthy, balanced diet, a vitamin B5 deficiency can cause fatigue, irritability, numbness and muscle cramps, among other symptoms. Eggs are among the most nutritious foods you can find, and they provide virtually all the vitamins and minerals you need. With a recommended daily intake of vitamin A of 750 µg, a serving of two eggs provides 14% of the recommended amount.

Keith Mccrae
Keith Mccrae

Hipster-friendly twitter advocate. General pop culture guru. Hipster-friendly web ninja. Proud social media maven. Amateur zombie scholar.